Page 9 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (11.07.17) High Inter Level
P. 9

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #2 (High-Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

          Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English           ‫ עברית‬English                              ‫עברית‬
to bring
brought (m. sg.)  )‫ְל ָה ִּביא ( ִּה ְפ ִּעיל‬  6 even still  ‫ ְב ָכל ז ֹאת‬1
                            ‫ֵה ִּביא‬
                  ‫ ְתמּו ָנה‬7 to be killed                   )‫ְל ֵה ָר ַצח ( ִּנ ְפ ַעל‬  2
to ask (for)                    were killed                          ‫ִּנ ְר ְצחּו‬        3
asked (m. sg.)                                                                           4
                  )‫ְל ַב ֵקש (ִּּפ ֵעל‬         8 nanny              ,‫ְמ ַטּ ֵפל‬          5
to go back               ‫ִּב ֵקש‬                                   ‫ְמ ַטּ ֶפ ֶלת‬

to run, to        )‫ ַל ְח ֹזר (ּ ָפ ַעל‬9 to cry               )‫ִּל ְבכֹות (ּ ָפ ַעל‬
manage                               crying (m. sg.)                  ‫בֹו ֶכה‬

                  )‫ ְל ַנ ֵהל (ִּּפ ֵעל‬10 to take             )‫ָל ַק ַחת (ּ ָפ ַעל‬
                                    took (f. sg.)                    ‫ָל ְק ָחה‬

                                  Page 9 - Edition 07-11-17

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