Page 22 - IDF eCur NH Unit 2 english 051119
P. 22
NH, Unit 2
Binyan Pi'el
Moving from Infinitives to Present Tense
Let’s now get to know additional verbs in Binyan Pi'el.
Fill in the chart following the first two examples. Listen to the respective CD track to
check your answers.
הָּב ֵקְנ רָּכָּז ל ע פ ם ֵשׁ
Sing. Fem. Sing. Masc. Infinitive
to talk
ת ֶּרֶּב ד ְמ רֵב ד ְמ רֵבד 1 . ְל
to tour, to hike
י ל י טְל 2 .
to look for
תֵׂפ חְל 3 .
to arrange, to
organize, to put in
ר ֵד סְל 4 .
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