Page 21 - IDF eCur IM unit 8 english 241119
P. 21
IM, Unit 8
4 הצובק - תת , 1 לעפ ןיינב
Moving from Infinitive Form to Future Tense
In this group we omit the infinitive form prefix ִל, and the middle
sound O.
The sound pattern changes from EE…O…A to EE…A:
...EE...O...A ...EE...A
Instead of the ִל we use prefixes corresponding to the pronouns.
As an example let’s use the verb to hear – ַעוֹמ ְשִׁל. Follow the arrows
to find the prefixes used for each pronoun.
to hear - ַעוֹמ ְשִל
ע ַמש ְ ← וֹ ַע מש ִל ְ
Prefix ִנ ← וּנח א ַנ ְ ִי ← ה וּ א ִ ת ← אי ִה/ה ת א א ← י * א ִנ
ע מש + ְ ִנ ע מש + ְ ִי ע מש + ְ ִ ת ע מש + ְ א
ע מש ִנ ְ ע מש ִי ְ ע מ ְש ִ ת ע מ ְש א
As we add the corresponding suffixes, the ‘A’ sound disappears:
Pronoun וּ+ִי ← ם ֵה וּ +ת ִ ← ם ת א י+ת ִ ← ְ ת א
Prefix & Suffix
+ וּ ע ְמש + ְ ִי + וּ ע ְמש + ְ ִ ת י + ִע ְמ ְש + ִת
Prefix & Suffix י ִ ע ְמש ִ ת ְ
וּ ע ְמש ִי ְ וּ ע ְמ ְש ִ ת
*Note that the music for יִנ א is "E…A…"
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