Page 28 - Workbook-Hanan Ben Ari Songs-200520
P. 28

     Act Out

                                  :תילגנאב םילימה תאירק ידכ ךות תירבעב רישה תא ריש ,תעכ

               Song-  World Champion                            I wasn't the one who hanged them
                                                                I'm only in charge of the melodies
               I'm a world champion in repressing

               Anything that scares me, anything stressful, I put   I'm a world champion in justifying
               on mute
                                                                Weaknesses and desires
               I'm a world champion in loving
                                                                The urge is an old acquaintance
               Firstly myself, then at the stage and the street
                                                                I know every old trick it keeps in its bag
               The hardest is to give it to someone close
                                                                But look, someday I'll be righteous
               I'm a world champion in not being
                                                                Deep down what I have is not enough, at all
               In not solving your problems
               Even the pictures on the walls

               I'm a little rat and life is a pipe              I'm a world champion

               Falling down the hole because I can't distinguish
               Between good and evil, and where does it all     I'm a world champion in compensating
               lead to
                                                                Apologizing and pleasing
               You're being all usual
                                                                Sinning, cleansing myself
               But soon we'll run out of fuse
                                                                Exposing, covering up

                                                                Say, how can one write songs with a thousand
               I'm a world champion in falling                  expectations

               And getting back up like a champ                 Millions of views

               You'll see, like a phoenix
               I'm burning, but choosing every day to live on   I'm a world champion in falling

               I'm a world champion in wanting                  And getting back up like a champ

               At least trying                                  You'll see, like a phoenix

               You'll see, how in the end                       I'm burning, but choosing every day to live on
               After the losses, the victory is so much sweeter   I'm a world champion

                          Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited.
                                       םירוסא.    הצפהו   הקתעה  , שומיש   לכ  . רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש   תויוכזה   לכ
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