Page 26 - NL2020-unit 7_Neat-060222
P. 26

Novice Low 26 Unit 7

       Listen to the following audio. While you listen, fill in the
       missing words

                          English                            ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
Yoel: Good evening, Orly.
                                                                 .‫ אֹו ְׂר ִלי‬,‫ֶע ֶרב טֹוב‬
Orly:  Good evening, Yoel.
       What’s up?                                                 .‫ יֹואל‬,‫ֶע ֶרב טֹוב‬
                                                                ?________ ‫מה‬
Yoel:                                                                       ,‫ְׂבס ֶדר‬
                                                       ._______ ‫אבל א ִני רֹו ֶצה‬
         But I want (m) to eat.
         I have spaghetti.                                  .‫_______ ִלי ְׂספג ִטי‬
Orly:                                                                 ?‫אתה רֹו ֶצה‬
         Do you (m) want (some)?
Yoel: Spaghetti? Really?                                    ?________ ?‫ְׂספג ִטי‬
         Yes, I want (m) (some) spaghetti!                  !‫ א ִני רֹו ֶצה ְׂספג ִטי‬,‫כן‬
Orly: Here you go!
         Well, is the spaghetti tasty?                                   !‫ְׂבבקׁשה‬
         Orly, your (f) spaghetti is excellent!  ?_______ ‫ ה ְׂספג ִטי‬,_______
Yoel: Thanks!
         Is there more?                          !_______ ‫ ה ְׂספג ִטי ׁ ֶשלְך‬,‫אֹו ְׂר ִלי‬
Orly: No, there isn’t (any) more.                                           !‫תֹודה‬

Yoel: Oh, what a pity…                                            ?_______ ‫יׁש‬

                                                              .‫ _______ עֹוד‬,‫ל ֹא‬

                                                                ... _______ ,‫אֹוי‬

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