Page 17 - New Dialogues 2017 unit 3 031217
P. 17

Act Out           17
         Dialogues –Unit 3

                                                   Part 2

Tamar: What are you talking about? The buildings in Jerusalem are old, and
            usually there’s no elevator in the building.

Daniel: I see… and the sixth apartment?
Tamar: The sixth apartment was on the first floor. It was furnished and pretty.
Daniel: But…?
Tamar: But the rent was 2,300 shekels a month.
Daniel: Wow, it really is hard to find an apartment here.
Tamar: Yeah, very hard. Say, Daniel, are you usually lucky [do you usually

            have luck]?
Daniel: Lucky? I don’t know… Why?
Tamar: Do you want to come with me (and) see the apartment tomorrow?
Daniel: Yeah, why not? I don’t know if I’m lucky, but… who knows?
Tamar: Cool. Tomorrow at 8 o’clock in the morning. Thanks.

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