Page 34 - Workbook-IL-Unit-2-RA1
P. 34
Intermediate-Low, Unit 2
Binyan Paal group 2
Conjugating Verbs in the Past Tense
He, She, They – הם, היא,הוא
To the basic “kernel” we add the corresponding suffixes, according to
the pronoun. As an example let’s use the verb:
to live - ָּלגּור
ָּלגּור ← ָּגר
Pronoun ּו ה ֵהם ִהיא הּוא
ּו+ה ָּגר+ָּג ָּר ָּגר
Suffix ָּג ָּרה ָּגרּו ָּגר
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