Page 6 - German Colony Inter-new-mabat-history-RA-FP_Neat
P. 6
Note on English Translation
The English translation of the material in this book will enable you to easily
translate the conversations into Hebrew while viewing the English translation.
As English and Hebrew sentences are not always identical in structure, brackets
and parentheses are used to aid you in your comprehension and translation.
Words in parentheses ( ) are vital for a coherent sentence in English, but do not
appear in the Hebrew sentence.
Words that appear in square brackets [ ] are essential for the Hebrew translation
of the English sentence, but are unnecessary in the English sentence.
For example:
[There is] everything (is) here = ?יש כאן הכל?
In this sentence, the words there is are not part of the English sentence, but are
needed for the translation into Hebrew. The verb is does not exist in Hebrew, but
is necessary for the English sentence.
Please note that the main purpose of the translation is to help students to
"reconstruct" the original Hebrew texts structure, therefore some portions of the
English text may not sound right…
Wishing you a fruitful course,
Yoel & Orly Ganor