Page 4 - Advanced-Low-unit-5-exam 030518
P. 4

________________ֵׁ:ֵׁ‫ֵׁ______________________ֵֵֵֵֵֵֵֵֵֵֵׁׁׁׁׁׁׁׁׁׁׁ ֵׁת ׁאֵ ֵׁריְך‬:‫ׁשֵם‬

                                             :‫ בחרו את התשובה הנכונה‬.3


.‫ ______ֵׁהבוקרֵׁבשעהֵׁמוקדמתֵׁמאודֵׁכדיֵׁלהספיקֵׁלרוץֵׁלפניֵׁהשיעור‬.‫א‬

                                                      ‫) התקדמתי‬1
                                                    ֵׁ ‫) התעוררתי‬2

                                                        ֵׁ ‫) נכנסתי‬3
                                                     ֵׁ ‫) התחתנתי‬4

ֵׁ‫ בשניםֵׁהאחרונותֵׁארגוניֵׁהטרורֵׁמשתמשיםֵׁיותרֵׁויותרֵׁבנשיםֵׁוילדים‬.‫ב‬

 In recent years, terrorist organizations have increasingly used women )1

                                              and children to carry out attacks.

       In the past week, terrorist organizations have increasingly used )2

                                    women and children to carry out attacks.

In recent years, terrorist organizations have increasingly saved women )3

                                              and children from terror attacks.

In recent years, Israelis have increasingly used women and children to )4

                                                                 carry out attacks.


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