Page 20 - Inter level four extra songs 051115
P. 20


3. Track 5

Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list

           English         ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬

pale blue                              ‫תכלת‬

to go down                             )‫לרדת (פעל‬
goes down                                     ‫יורד‬

suddenly                               ‫לפתע‬

cloud(s)                               ‫ עננים‬,‫ענן‬

to become                  )‫להפוך ל (פעל‬
become (m. pl.)                  ‫הופכים‬

an array                               ‫שלל‬

hue(s), shade(s) of color              ‫ גוונים‬,‫גוון‬

to paint                               )‫לצבוע (פעל‬
paint                                      ‫צובעים‬

seven times                            ‫שבעתיים‬

to smile                               )‫לחייך (פיעל‬
smiles (m. sg.)                              ‫מחייך‬

to go up                               )‫לעלות (פעל‬
goes up                                       ‫עולה‬

together                               ‫ביחד‬

to blossom                             )‫לפרוח (פעל‬
blossoms (f. sg.)                           ‫פורחת‬

 a rainbow in a cloud                  ‫קשת בענן‬

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