Page 3 - Infinitives Ebook-unit0-introduction-FP_Neat
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                                                 Infinitives - Introduction

                             Grammar Corner                        -     קודקדה תניפ

                                          Introduction to Verbs

                                                  Helping Verbs

              Dear student,
              Until now we have extensively used the helping verb ‘want’ -  הֶצוֹר / הָצוֹר
              This verb is part of the group which consists of four important helping verbs.
              Now you will acquire knowledge of three additional helping verbs.

              With this knowledge you will be able to expand your ability in creating useful
              sentences significantly enhancing your Hebrew skills.
              Let's first get acquainted with the following helping verbs:

              Want                 Need             Love / Like       Can/ Able to

              Listen to the audio and fill in the word in Hebrew:

                                 English                        Fem.                   Masc.


                    Need (to), have to


                    Love, *like

                    Can/Able to

              *Initially we will use this verb in the meaning "like".

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