Page 59 - IDF eCur NM unit 6 041119
P. 59
NM Unit 6
Pa'al Group 2
Moving from the Infinitive into the Present Tense
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הָב ֵקְנ רָכָז לַעֹּפ ם ֵש
Sing. Fem. Sing. Masc. Infinitive
To move
הזז זז זוּזָל 1 .
To rest
החנ חנ ַ חוּנל 2 . ָ
To come
האב אב אוֹבל 3 . ָ
To sing
הרש רש רי ִשל 4 . ָ
To put
המש םש םי ִשל 5 . ָ
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