Page 9 - Ulpan Or E-Tone 01.08.17) Low Inter Level
P. 9

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #2 (Low-Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

          Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English                    ‫עברית‬                    English                   ‫עברית‬                  1
                                                 6 to come
government               ‫ֶמ ְמ ָש ָלה‬                                  )‫ְל ַּה ִגי ַּע ( ִה ְפ ִעיל‬  2
                                                    comes (m. sg.)               ‫ַּמ ִגי ַּע‬         3
to tell               )‫ְל ַּס ֵפר ( ִפ ֵעל‬       7 to come in                                        4
tells (f. sg.)            ‫ְמ ַּס ֶפ ֶרת‬                                )‫ְל ִה ָכ ֵנס ( ִנ ְפ ַּעל‬
neighbour                     ‫ָש ֵכן‬                comes in (m. sg.)            ‫ִנ ְכ ָנס‬
to be over                                       8 knife
are over (m. pl.)   )‫ְל ִה ָג ֵמר ( ִנ ְפ ַּעל‬   9 to kill                       ‫ַּס ִכין‬
to celebrate              ‫ִנ ְג ָמ ִרים‬
celebrate (m. pl.)                                  kills (m. sg.)        )‫ַּל ֲה ֹּרג ( ָפ ַּעל‬
                       )‫ַּל ְח ֹּגג ( ָפ ַּעל‬                                   ‫הֹו ֵרג‬
                          ‫חֹו ְג ִגים‬           10 to console
                                                                       )‫ ְל ַּנ ֵחם ( ִפ ֵעל‬5

                                  Page 9 - Edition 08-01-17

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