Page 23 - NL-2020-Unit 11-WORKBOOK-Neat 060722
P. 23

        NL, Unit 11


Exercise: Listen to the audio and fill the missing words and prepositions
in the blank spaces.

      Yoel and Orly want to get to know each other a little bit better.

Person                English                        ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
 Yoel   Hi Orly, what's up?
 Orly                                            ?‫ ָׁמה קֹו ֶּרה‬,‫ַהי אֹור ִלי‬
        Everything is fine, and you?
 Yoel                                                ?‫ ו ַא ָׁתה‬,‫ַה ֹכל טֹוב‬
 Orly   Do you want to drink? I don’t                           .‫ַאח ָׁלה‬
 Yoel   know what you like to drink in      ‫רֹו ָׁצה ________? ֲא ִני ל ֹא‬
 Orly   the morning.
        I like to drink café late, and       ________ ‫יֹו ֵּד ַע ָׁמה ַאת‬
 Yoel   you? What do you like to                  .________ ‫ִלשתֹות‬
        drink in the morning?
 Orly   I like to drink Turkish coffee.       ‫ֲא ִני אֹו ֶּה ֶּבת ִלשתֹות ָׁק ֶּפה‬
 Yoel                                          ‫ ו ַא ָׁתה? ָׁמה ַא ָׁתה‬.‫ָׁהפּוְך‬
        Do you like to do sports (work           ?‫אֹו ֵּהב ִלשתֹות ַב ֹב ֶּקר‬
        out) in the morning?
        No, I don't like sport. I like to            ‫ֲא ִני אֹו ֵּהב ִלשתֹות‬
        sleep. And you?                          .‫________ טּור ִקי‬
        You like to do sports?                 ________ ‫ַא ָׁתה אֹו ֵּהב‬

        Yes, I like to walk                        ?‫________ ַב ֹב ֶּקר‬
        a lot.
        Ah, great. Let's walk (go) to a     .‫ ֲא ִני ל ֹא אֹו ֵּהב ספֹורט‬,‫ל ֹא‬
        coffee shop.                           . ________ ‫ֲא ִני אֹו ֵּהב‬
                                                                  ?‫ו ַאת‬

                                           ?‫ַאת אֹו ֶּה ֶּבת ַל ֲעׂשֹות ספֹורט‬
                                           ________ ‫ ֲא ִני אֹו ֶּה ֶּבת‬,‫ֵּכן‬

                                                         . ________

                                            ________ ‫ בֹו ִאי‬.‫ ֹי ִפי‬,‫ָׁאה‬
                                                           .‫ל ֵּבית ָׁק ֶּפה‬

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