Page 15 - Verbs Present Tense full English 19062019
P. 15
CD1 Introduction
Track 4
Examples of the Music (core vowels) of Each Group
Listen to this part on the CD at least twice to get a good feel for
the music.
Binyan ןָיְנ ִב Music Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Remarks
(name) (vowels)
לַעָפ ב ַת כ ד ַמ ל ב ַש י
Pa'al ַ Wrote studied sat
ִ ִ שי ג ר ה ןי מ ז ה קי ס פ ה
לי ִע ְפ ִה
Hif'eel Felt invited stopped
לֵע ִפ ִ ֵ רב ד ר פ ס ל י ט
Pi'el Spoke told traveled,
ֵ ַ ת ה ן ת ַח ת ה
לֵעַפת ה ְ ש בַל ת ה got ק ן ַ ד זה * active and passive
Hitpa'el got dressed married got old verbs
לַעֻּפ ר ַ טֻּפ ם ַ ד ֻּק םַכֻּס
Pu'al ַ was laid off promoted summarized
לַע ְפֻּה ש ַג רֻּה ן ַמ זֻּה ק ַס פֻּה
ֻּה ַ was felt was
Huf'al hu...a... invited was stopped
ד ַמ ל נ Contains
ל ַע ְפִנ ַ נ סַנ כ נ was ש ַג פ נ active and
Nif'al ni...a... entered learned met (with) passive
* The verb ַדְז ִה ֵקן sounds a bit different from the pattern, it still belongs
to the Hitpa'el Binyan. The explanation is found in the relevant section.
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