Page 5 - Verbs Present Tense full English 19062019
P. 5


                                                 Table of contents

                   Ulpan-Or iHebrew™ Study Kit Series  ..…………………...  Pg. 6
                   Study instructions ……………………………………………  Pg. 8

                   General Introduction ………………………………………..  Pg. 11

                   Verb Groups - Introduction ………………………………...  Pg. 15

                   Verb Infinitive Form ………………………………………...  Pg. 17

                   Time Words ……………………………………………….....  Pg. 19
                   Helping Verbs …………………………………......................  Pg. 23

                   Helping Adverbs……………………………………………...  Pg. 26

                   Binyan Pi'el  - Infinitive Form ……………………………                             Pg. 28

                   Binyan Pi'el – Present Tense  ……………………………..                             Pg. 37

                   Binyan Pa’al  - Infinitive Form ……………………………..  Pg. 47

                   Binyan Pa’al – Present Tense  ………………………………  Pg. 68

                   Binyan Hif’eel  - Infinitive Form …………………………..  Pg. 127
                   Binyan Hif’eel  – Present Tense  …………………………..                           Pg. 136

                   Binyan Hitpa'el  - Infinitive Form ……………………..…                          Pg. 144
                   Binyan Hitpa'el – Present Tense  …………………………                             Pg. 152

                   Binyan Nif’al  - Infinitive Form ……………………..……...  Pg. 160

                   Binyan Nif’al – Present Tense  ……………………………...  Pg. 170

                   Verb Summary ………………………………………………  Pg. 181

                   Prepositions …………………………………………………..  Pg. 189

                   Flash Cards …………………………………………………..  Pg. 207

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                                       םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה ,שומיש.    לכ . רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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