Page 14 - IDF eCur IL Unit 3 english 061119
P. 14

                                              Intermediate-Low, Unit 3

               Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list below.

                                  English                                        תירבע
                alone, by myself                                                          ידבל ,דבל    1 .

                childhood, my childhood                                               יתודלי  ,תודלי   2 .

                to disappear                                                         )לעפנ( םלעיהל     3 .
                disappeared (m. pl.)                                                           ומלענ

                color(s)                                                                םיעבצ ,עבצ     4 .

                sound(s)                                                                 תולוק ,לוק    5 .

                kite                                                                           ןופיפע  6 .

                a long time ago                                                                 ןמזמ   7 .

                cloud(s)                                                                   םיננע ,ןנע  8 .

                war(s)                                                            תומחלמ ,המחלמ        9 .

                to cover up                                                   )לעפתה( תוסכתהל        . 10
                cover up (m. pl.)                                                        םיסכתמ

                to pass                                                               )לעפ( רובעל    . 11
                passed (m. pl.)                                                               ורבע

                doesn't exist                                                            םייק אל     . 12

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