Page 15 - NL-2020-unit 6_Neat 190122
P. 15

Novice-Low               16 Unit 6

Now watch the video again and get ready to act it out!

       Act out the dialogue in Hebrew while looking at the English text.
Feel free to use other names than in the original dialogue when acting it out!

Yoel: Good evening, Orly!

Orly:  Good evening, Yoel!
Yoel:  Orly, what do you (f) like to eat in the morning?

Orly:  In the morning I don't (f) like to eat.
Yoel:  In the morning I like (f) only to drink coffee.

       Really? That's not good! You (f) should (need to) eat in the morning!

Orly: What do you (m) like to eat in the morning?

Yoel: In the morning I like (m) to eat cornflakes with milk.

Orly:  And what do you (m) like to eat in the evening?
       In the evening I like (m) to eat a lot: I like (m) to eat pizza, burger… and
Orly:  sometimes a steak!

       Yea, I also like (f) to eat a lot in the evening.

Yoel: Orly, do you (f) want to drink coffee now, in Aroma coffee shop?

Orly: Yea, sure. Thanks, Yoel!

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                               .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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