Page 37 - ebook Training May 2020 unit 5 verbs-R2- 210520
P. 37
לעפ ןיינב
3 'ס מ תינבת
ת וֹ ו ל ִ
LI … … OT Track 7
תונקל ,תותשל :תואמגוד
Pa'al Group 3
Moving from the Infinitive into the Present Tense
The vowels in this structure in the present tense are...O...E…
The difference between group 3 and group 1 is that group 3 verbs always
end with a letter ה in the present tense.
In group 3 for feminine singular we maintain the letter ה at the end of the
verb, but the vowel sound is changed to "AH" instead of "E"
For plural we add the ending םי for masculine and תו for feminine, but
we lose the previous last letter ה because we cannot have two consecutive
vowels ה ה
General Structure
Pl. Fem. Pl. Masc. Sing. Fem. Sing. Masc. Infinitive
תוֹ םוֹם םי ִ םוֹם ה ָ םוֹם ה ֶ םוֹם םם ְ וֹ ת ִל
To drink – תוֹתּ ְשִׁל
Conjugation General scheme Verb form
תוֹ תּש ְ ִל תוֹ ם ְםִל לַעֹּפה ַ ם ֵש
ה ֶ תוֹש ה ֶ םוֹם רָכָז – הֶו ה וֹ
הָבקְנ – ֵ הֶו ה וֹ
םיבר – ִ ַ הֶו ה וֹ
תוֹבר - ַ הֶו ה וֹ