Page 20 - IDF eCur NH Unit 3 english 050819
P. 20
Novice-High, Unit 3
Binyan Hif’eel - Introduction
In Binyan יעפהל we have some distinct characteristics:
Verbs associated with this Binyan have the same sound pattern ..I.. EE..
in the past tense as the sound pattern of the name of Binyan Hif'eel (hIf'EEl)
Binyan Hif’eel includes many very useful verbs such as:
רי ִכ ִה ןי ִמְז ִה לי ִח ְת ִה שׁיִג ְר ִה
Got to Invited, Began Felt
know Ordered
hIkEEr hIzmEEn hItkhEEl hIrgEEsh
Pay attention again: all of these verbs have the vowels ..I.. EE.. for third
person in the past tense, which are the same vowels as in the name of the Binyan
hIf'EEl and maintain the sound pattern: ..I.. EE..
The infinitive form always begins with הְל and the last vowel is י so the
music of Binyan יעפהל is
L'HA...EE... ִ י ְ הְל
To feel – שׁי ִג ְר הְל
שׁ ִג ְר י הְל ם י ִ ם ְם הְל לַעֹּפ ַה ם ֵׁש
Let’s now take a look at additional verbs in this group.
See chart on the next page.
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