Page 33 - IH-Unit-8--FP-R0_Neat
P. 33
Binyan Pa'al
Binyan Pa'al - Group 1
Past Tense
In the past tense, the endings are identical for all verbs.
What we usually need to know is the past tense in third person (אוה),
and the structure for the rest is derived by adding the proper endings
according to the above table.
Now let's try doing it with Group 1 of BINYAN PA'AL.
We remember the vowels ..O..E.. in the present, for instance:
בת - כ וֹ ֵׁ בת כ וֹ ֵׁ
To convert this verb into past:
1. We omit the וֹ which creates the "O" sound
2. We change the "E" to "A". This way we create the A...A sound.
ב ַתָּכ ב ֵׁתוֹכ
This form becomes the past tense for the third person (אוה) singular and serves as
a basis for the rest.
Let's do it now with some additional verbs:
ד ַמָּל ד ֵׁמוֹל
ע ַדָּי ע ֵׁדוֹי
ר ַמ ָּא ר ֵׁמוֹא
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