Page 30 - NL-2020-unit 4-R1_Neat 161221
P. 30

Novice - Low         47    Unit 4

                                       QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

                   Questions we are able to ask now:

                    English                                                                             תי ִר ְב ִע

                    Do you (m) speak Hebrew?                                              ?תי ִר ְׁב ִע ר ב ַד ְׁמ ה ָׁת ַא

                    Does Brad Pitt speak Hebrew?                                    ?תי ִר ְׁב ִע ר ב ַד ְׁמ טי ִפ דא ָׁר ְׁב

                    Do you (f) speak Hebrew?                                              ?תי ִר ְׁב ִע ת ֶרֶב ַד ְׁמ  ְׁת ַא

                                                                                                            ג  ִל'
                    Does Angeline Jolie speak Hebrew?                         ?תי ִר ְׁב ִע ת ֶרֶב ַדמ    י   ְׁ  ִל וֹ'ג הָׁני    ְׁנ ַא
                    Do you (m) speak a little Yiddish?                             ?    שי ִדיִי  תָׁצ ְׁק ר ב ַד ְׁמ ה ָׁת ַא

                    Do you (f) speak a little Russian?                              ?תי ִסוּר תָׁצ ְׁק ת ֶרֶב ַד ְׁמ  ְׁת ַא

                    What is your (m) phone (number)?                                       ?    ךְָׁלש   ֶ  ןוֹפ ל  טה   ַ  ה ָׁמ

                    What is your (f) phone (number)?                                       ?    ךְָׁלש   ֶ  ןוֹפ ל  טה   ַ  ה ָׁמ

                    Where is your (m) phone?                                            ?    ךְָׁלש   ֶ  ןוֹפ ל  טה   ַ  ה פי  א

                    Where is my phone?                                                   ?    יִלש   ֶ  ןוֹפ ל  טה   ַ  ה פי  א
                                                                                                         ַ א ְׁ
                    Is your (f) smartphone good?                                    ?    בוֹט   ךְָׁלש   ֶ  ןוֹפ ְׁטר    מ ְׁס ַה
                                                                                                 ַ א ְׁ
                    Where is your (m) smartphone from?                           ?    ךְָׁלש   ֶ  ןוֹפ ְׁטר    מ ְׁסה   ַ  ה פי  א  מ
                    Is your (f) coffee okay?                                              ?    ר ֶד  סב   ְׁ  ךְָׁלש   ֶ  הֶפ ָׁק ַה

                                To practice your vocabulary, it is important that you find an
                                opportunity to ask the above questions as many people as possible.

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