Page 45 - IH-Unit 3-130716
P. 45


                                     IH, Unit 3

Imperative Form of Binyan Pa’al, Group 3

Let’s use the future tense structure to create imperative form.

Remember: to create negative sentences the equivalent of “Don’t” is ? ַאל?.

Following are some examples of sentences using the imperative form:

Answer (f. sg.) the phone quickly!                             !?תע ִני ל ֶט ֶלפֹון מ ֵהר?
Don’t buy (m. sg.) cottage cheese in
the supermarket. Buy milk.            ? ִת ְק ֶנה?.?אל ִת ְק ֶנה ְג ִבינת קֹו ֶטג' בסּו ֶפ ְרמ ְר ֶקט?
                                                                              .?ָח ָלב?

Exercise: Write your own sentences in English using verbs from Binyan Pa’al,
group 3 in imperative form. Use both, negative and positive structures.
Translate those to Hebrew in the table below:

English                               Hebrew

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             RB .? העתקה והפצה אסורים?,? כל שימוש?.?אור?-?כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן?
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