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P. 4


                                                        AL, Unit 4

                                       1  קלח   –     ללחהמ ועיגהש םיסורה

                   Exercise: Listen to the vocabulary audio track, filling the
                     Hebrew translation of each word


           to be required,
           were required to present (pl.)

           to suffer, suffered (pl.)

           to complain, complains (m. sg.)

           to expect, expected (f. sg.)

           to land, landed (pl.)

           to become clear/obvious
           becomes clear (m. sg.)
           a complicated operation

           the base of the launch

           to dream, did not dream (pl.)

           immigration official


           to wait, will wait (m. sg.)

           with the intervention/involvement  of

           to make his position more flexible
           temporary entrance permit

           commercial flight

           to complain, complained (m. sg.)

           to make someone angry (slang)

           to explode

           complaints (slang)

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                                          םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה.   , שומיש לכ  . רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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