Page 10 - Workbook-Taglit Unit 10-Neat-141217
P. 10
Unit 10 24 Unit 10, Track 8
Yoel and Orly want to get to know each other a little bit better.
Person English ִע ְב ִרית
Yoel Hi Orly, what's up?
Orly ? ָמה קֹורה,הי אֹור ִלי
Everything is fine, and you?
Yoel ? וא ָתה,ה ֹכל טֹוב
Orly You want to drink? I don’t .אח ָלה
Yoel know what you like to drink in רֹו ָצה ________? א ִני ל ֹא
Orly the morning.
I like to drink café late, and ________ יֹודע ָמה את
Yoel you? What do you like to .________ ִלשתֹות
drink in the morning?
Orly I like to drink Turkish coffee. א ִני אֹוהבת ִלשתֹות ָקפה
Yoel וא ָתה? ָמה א ָתה.ָהפּוְך
Do you like to do sports (work ?אֹוהב ִלשתֹות ב ֹבקר
out) in the morning?
No, I don't like sport. I like to א ִני אֹוהב ִלשתֹות
sleep. And you? .________ טּור ִקי
You like to do sports? ________ א ָתה אֹוהב
Yes, I like to walk ?________ ב ֹבקר
a lot.
Ah, great. Let's walk (go) to a . א ִני ל ֹא אֹוהב סּפֹורט,ל ֹא
coffee shop. . ________ א ִני אֹוהב
?את אֹוהבת לעשֹות סּפֹורט
________ א ִני אֹוהבת,כן
. ________
________ בֹו ִאי. ֹי ִפי,ָאה
.לבית ָקפה
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