Page 5 - Workbook-Novice-Mid-Unit-1-RC-FP-010716-V2325
P. 5
Novice-Mid, Unit 1
Now watch the video again and get prepared to act it out.
Exercise: Please answer the following questions in Hebrew.
How does Inbal ask Dor for his name?
How does Dor respond?
How does Dor ask Inbal for her name?
How does Inbal respond?
??ֵמ ֵאי ֹפה ִע ְנ ָבל?
??ֵמ ֵאי ֹפה ּדֹור?
??ּדֹור ְמד ֵבר א ְנ ְג ִלית?
??ִע ְנ ָבל ְמד ֶּב ֶּרת ִע ְב ִרית?
??ִע ְנ ָבל ְמ ִבי ָנה ִע ְב ִרית?
What mistake does Inbal make when
she asks Dor if he speaks English?
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