Page 33 - NL-2020-unit 2_Neat-HTML5 071121
P. 33
Novice Low - Unit 2
Questions we are able to ask now:
English תי ִר ְב ִע
Who is he? ? אוּה י ִּמ
Excuse me, who is she? ? איה ימ , ִּ ִּ ה ָחיִּל ְס
Is he okay? ? ר ד ֵֽסב ְ אוּה
Is she cool? ? הָב בס אי ִּה
Where are you (m) from? ? ה ָתא הֹפי ֵֽא ֵֽמ
Are you (f) from America? ? ה ָקי ִּר מ אמ ֵֽ ְ ת א
Are you (m) from Israel too? ? ל ֵֽא ָר ְשִּימ ִּ ה ָתא ם ג
Are you (f) from Tel Aviv too? ? בי ִּבא ָ ל ֵֽתמ ִּ ְ תא ם ג
Where is Albert Einstein from? ? ןְיי ט ְשְנְייא ט ְרֵֽבְלא הֹפי ֵֽא ֵֽמ
Where is Gandhi from? ? י ִּדְנ ג הֹפי ֵֽא ֵֽמ
Where is Gal Gadot from? ? תוֹדג ְ ל ג הֹפי ֵֽא ֵֽמ
Where is Pharaoh from? ? הֹע ְר פ הֹפי ֵֽא ֵֽמ
Really? ? ת מ א ב
To practice your vocabulary, it is important that you find an
opportunity to ask as many people as possible the above
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