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B Y D R . S T E V E G L E N N
Welcome to a new edition of our In an effort to maximize the learning at We are very appreciative of our
district newsletter 50 Shares! The all of our schools, our plan for the classified staff (bus drivers, custodians,
purpose of this newsletter is to share second semester will be to eliminate the and cafeteria staff) assisting with our
all of the wonderful things happening A/B schedule as one of our instructional reopening plans. As you will see later in
in our district. models. this issue, our cafeteria staff is nearing
the one million mark on meals served
As you will see in this edition, we have The face-to-face and virtual options will since March!
a lot to be proud of in District 50! In still be available for parents to choose as
spite of the challenges presented by their child's instructional model for the Thank you again for your patience and
COVID-19, our top notch faculty and second semester. Parents will be asked cooperation during these uncertain
staff is the main reason we have had to complete a Spring Instructional Model times. We truly believe these times are
such a successful opening to the Survey during parent/teacher making us better and stronger as a
school year. conferences in October. school district and community!
G A M M S S P E A K S T O O V E R 8 4 0 , 0 0 0 M E A L S
D 5 0 ' S T O Y ' S S E R V E D S I N C E M A R C H !
Thank you to our dedicated Child
On October 13th, 2021 South Carolina Nutrition staff for serving over 840,000
Teacher of the Year Sarah Gamms meals from March 16 - October 16th!
made a special trip to District 50 to These tremendous individuals have
speak with our Teachers of the Year. gone above and beyond the call of duty
to serve the students and families in our
Gamms message to Teachers of the district and community.
Year centered on trauma informed
instruction. She shared her The success of our emergency meals
experiences as a teacher with sites would not have been possible
students during the pandemic. without the support of our school and
Gamms encouraged teachers to community volunteers as well. Local
recognize the physical and emotional churches, civic, and nonprofit
impact the pandemic has had on all organizations delivered free meals to
educators. families in our district who did not have
Prior to being named the 2021 South
Carolina Teacher of the Year, Gamms Our cafeteria staff has recently added a
was an English teacher at Spring Hill new sealing machine for meals being
High School in Lexington Richland 5. distributed to students in our virtual
She will visit District 50's Teachers of learning program. The new machine
the Year again at their December allows cafeteria workers to safely
meeting. package meals that are distributed or
delivered on every Monday to virtual
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