Page 21 - WVLifesaves catalog 21-22 .2
P. 21

Spike-Devil Spike Strips
                                                              Spike-Devil’s accordion design fold up and rolls

                                                              up into the world’s smallest spike system. The
                                                              design facilitates end feed storage solutions
                                                              for quick access and mobility.  Small, compact
                                                              and have a crank style winder called a cord


                                                              Each system includes a Holster, Mounting
                                                              Bracket, Winder, and the Spike Devil accordion
                                                              frame.  The Holster allows quick access to the

                                                              Spike-Strip.  The Holster and Bracket provide
                                                              storage and transfer between all times of Law
                                                              Enforcement vehicles.  The Spike Devil is

                                                              attached to an over-size and tough winder to
                                                              ensure public safety.  The cord is 80 ft long
                                                              and is heavy duty. (10 ft or 15 ft)

           Credits:  280         Item #:  SPK-01

                                                              Stinger Spike System

                                                              The Stinger device is designed for quick, reliable

                                                              operation.  A simple pull on the handle or a toss
                                                              is all it takes to position the spikes.  The sing,

                                                              accordion-action element deploys almost

                                                              instantly, giving officers time to take cover.
                                                                Extra-width road coverage and low visibility

                                                              minimize avoidance by fleeing suspects.  After
                                                              spiking, a simple yank on the handle quickly
                                                              retracts the unit, clearing the road for pursuit

                                                              vehicles and other traffic.

                                                              The hollow spikes control the tire deflation rate,
                                                              preventing a blowout and sudden loss of control.
                                                              A tire typically picks up 4-6 spikes and deflates in

                                                              12-20 seconds. (15.5ft)

          Credits:  365        Item #:  SPK-02

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