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Nature Working Naturally®
Kelp Harves ng in Bantry Bay
BioAtlan s Ltd. is an indigenous Irish biotechnology company, specialising in the manufacture of products for the crop bios mulant and nutraceu cal sectors. BioAtlan s has a factory in Co. Cork with its head office and laboratories in Co. Kerry. The company employs 70 people and exports high value added products to over 30 countries worldwide. In recent months, a range of incorrect statements have been made regarding BioAtlan s’ licence to harvest kelp in Bantry Bay. These claims stem from dubious sources on Facebook and a biased Eco-Eye program on RTE 1. The Broadcas ng Authority of Ireland has upheld BioAtlan s’ complaint against RTE/Eco-Eye.
BioAtlan s has prepared this informa on leaflet, which outlines key facts in rela on to kelp harves ng. We have assessed the peer reviewed scien fic literature rela ng to kelp regrowth, fish, crustaceans, birds and wildlife and have found no basis to jus fy claims made by objectors:
1. Kelp harves ng licence:
• BioAtlan s applied for a kelp harves ng licence in 2009. Public consulta on took place according to the 1933 foreshore act and no submissions from the public were received.
• In 2011, the licence was approved in principle by a Fianna Fail-Green Party coali on, following extensive consulta ons with the following:
› Na onal Parks and Wildlife Service,
› The Marine Ins tute.
› The Marine Survey Office,
› The Sea Fisheries Protec on Authority,
› The Eastern Regional Fisheries Board,
› The Central Fisheries Board,
› The Underwater Archaeology Unit (The Na onal
Monuments Service)
› The Marine license ve ng commi ee.
• In 2014, the licence was granted by a Fine Gael-Labour Party coali on and fully complies with Irish and EU law. An environmental impact assessment was not required under Irish or EU law for this type of ac vity.
2. Kelp regenera on:
Every peer reviewed scien fic study carried out in Europe to date shows that kelp regenerates within 3 to 6 years a er mechanical harves ng.
3. Independent scien fic monitoring:
This is being is undertaken by 2 groups: University College Dublin and MERC Environmental Consultants Ltd. The scien sts have completed a baseline study in Bantry Bay and will monitor the effects of harves ng, if any, between 3-5 years post harves ng.
4. Inshore Fisheries:
It is highly unlikely that harves ng will impact on inshore fisheries in Bantry Bay:
• Trawling, dredging and po ng are carried out in most of the
bay. The harves ng area overlaps with just 1.14% of the total
inshore fisheries area of Bantry Bay.
• There are over 110 species of fish of commercial relevance in
Ireland. The peer reviewed scien fic literature shows that none of these species are dependent on kelp for spawning, nursery or feeding func ons.
• Crustaceans such as lobster, crab, prawn and shrimp do not depend on kelp for spawning, nursery or feeding func ons. The peer reviewed scien fic literature shows that they mainly occupy areas where kelp does not grow, e.g. so  bo om areas, mud, rocky shores, cobble and crevice substratum .
• Shellfish such as scallop and clams do not require kelp and mainly live in so  bo om areas.
6. Wildlife:
• Harves ng will not take place in areas of importance to harbour seals, including areas such as Adrigole Harbour, Coolieragh Harbour, Whiddy Island and Glengarriff Harbour.
• There are over 100 bird species in the Bantry Bay area. Most of these species occupy areas where kelp does not grow. Those that feed in deep water tend to target depths where kelp cannot grow (>30 meters).
• There is no scien fic basis whatsoever to suggest that
kelp harves ng will affect dolphins, whales or basking sharks.
7. Tourism:
Kelp harves ng will take place in just 0.3% of the marine area of Bantry Bay per annum, using a 21-metre boat in deep open waters. There are no interac ons or in-combina on effects whatsoever between kelp harves ng and tourism.
8. Archaeology:
BioAtlan s liaised with the Underwater Archaeology Unit in 2009 and iden fied sites and shipwrecks of relevance. Shipwrecks are located primarily outside the licence area. Lonehort harbour was omi ed from the applica on to prevent any impact. BioAtlan s employ technology that ensures no physical impacts with the seabed or any underwater wreckages.
We would ask that objectors, poli cians and media consider the facts outlined above and support BioAtlan s as we work to create jobs in rural Ireland and become a global player in the bios mulant and nutraceu cal sectors.
BioAtlantis Ltd. Clash Industrial Estate, Tralee, Co.Kerry, V92 RWV5, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 66 711 8477 › Email:

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