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A good way to tune into these interests is to ask yourself “Assistant” to his title. I found that quite surprising since
what you would do if you had a billion dollars. that title had never been discussed. For him, this was a
way to limit the amount of responsibility he took on, as
By my third year of college, I looked through the entire well as the expectations others would have of him. Since
giant course catalogues and couldn’t get excited about any then, I’ve seen many examples of how people defi ne their
of the classes in it. I had sampled many of the disciplines own ceilings and avoid responsibility and growth. If you
and felt that I was at a dead end. Frustrated, I fi nally do so by choice, I respect it. On the other hand, if you
pushed myself to think about what I would be interested want more growth, then don’t hide behind the belief that
in doing if money were of no concern. To my surprise, someone else needs to empower you to do what you want
that led me to fantasize about computers, Education and to do.
Entrepreneurship. I also realized that I perceived both of
these disciplines as forbidden. I believed that my parents 4. If it is not Working, Quit Fast
would disapprove and that it would be a highly impractical Many people hate their jobs and know that they want
area to pursue. Yet, I also realized that I was genuinely to do something different, but stay in their hated jobs
excited about the convergence of education and IT and for a long time nonetheless. Their main reason for not
took the plunge which became an important stepping leaving is that they haven’t actually figured out what it is
stone in my path. that they want to do. This thinking is flawed because they
won’t learn or discover their ideal career or job by sitting
2. Don’t Make Money Your Primary Consideration around and thinking about it. If the current situation isn’t
My startup was in New Delhi. At the time, I had a tiny working, one needs to find something else.
loan from my father and limited income, and I lived with
my parents in Delhi. One of the partners of my startup I personally felt people leave several jobs prematurely, not
invested a small amount of money into the company — just only not knowing what they will do next, but also exit with
enough to do the basics, such as open a small offi ce in no savings to see through the period of not working. Th e
Kalkaji. Commuting from my parents’ house was onerous very last option my staff left my startup where he found
so I brought in a sleeping bag to our offi ce and would myself wanting to do a lot more and the company not
often stay at the offi ce overnight. really needing what he wanted to give.
If you’re looking to spend your life doing something you In all cases, I find his leaving was the right thing as
love, the best way to start is to treat fi nancial concerns it forced him to keep searching for his next step with
as secondary. If the practicality of what you do and how urgency and to eventually found the company he now
much money you earn are your primary criteria you will loves building startups.
instantly limit your options to what’s predictable and
getting to do what you love will be tough. On the other To conclude, I understand selecting a career path can take
hand, if you allow yourself to pursue your curiosity, you weeks, months or even years as you continue learning
will find yourself in the position of power and, eventually, what you want and need in a job.It’s important to note that
in the position to earn money on your terms. you may have the option to change your path multiple
times in your life, making the ability to choose a new
Connecting to your unique interests and motivations and career is a valuable life skill.
coming into your own authentic self, gives you power in
your chosen discipline that others can’t claim. Th e reason Some of the activities you should do to help you choose a
for this is the unique fit of these interests to who you are. career:
For others, what you choose to do may seem like a huge
chore, but for you, it won’t even feel like work. When • Perform a self-assessment.
your work fits who you are so well, you stand out as being • Identify your must-haves.
uniquely capable and uniquely powerful. And the better • Make a list of jobs to explore.
you get at expressing yourself through your work, the • Research jobs and employers.
higher your earning potential will be in that capacity. • Get training (if you need it) and update your resume.
• Find and apply for jobs.
3. Your professional ceiling is set by you. • Continue growing and learning
At some point in the past, I hired my first team member
and didn’t give him an official title. When I started Author is Education Guru and Mentor, Trustee - Th e
receiving email from him I noticed that he added the word Millennium Schools
CAREER BEACON | Inaugural Issue | 2019 | 11