Page 31 - 2022 - Altiora Vol 74
P. 31
In March, as part of the Stage 5 Visual Arts program The students were excited to spend the night in the
cited to spend the night in the
In March, as part of the Stage 5 Visual Arts progr
The students were e
students in Y ear 9 and 10 Visual Arts electiv e tr a v elled recently completed contemporary building ,The Bridge,
ary building ,
The Bridge,
recently completed contempor
students in Year 9 and 10 Visual Arts elective travelled
alian Architect K
y the Austr
which was designed b
to the Arthur and Yvonne Boyd Education Centre at
to the Arthur and Y v onne Bo y d Education Centre at which was designed by the Australian Architect Kerstin
Bundanon, near Nowra, for our annual residential Art
Bundanon, near Nowr a, for our annual residential Art Thompson. The y also took part in a plein air landscape
Thompson. They also took part in a plein air landscape
Camp. Students took part in structured workshops run
d Education Centre
painting workshop run from the Bo
Camp. Students took part in structured workshops run painting workshop run from the Boyd Education Centre
by practising artists and developed their creativity in the
y the architect Glen Murcutt who the
designed b
b y pr actising artists and de v eloped their creativity in the designed by the architect Glen Murcutt who they have
y ha
ational en
vironment of Bundanon
been studying. The location of the building, looking down
inspirational environment of Bundanon been studying. The location of the building, looking down
to the Shoalha v en Riv er , was the perfect en vironment
to the Shoalhaven River, was the perfect environment
Accompanied b
Accompanied by Visual Arts teachers, Mrs Hiam, Ms
y Visual Arts teachers, Mrs Hiam, Ms
to inspire their art making. F
or the final workshop the
Matteucci and Mr Brendan O ’K eeffe, the students sta y ed to inspire their art making. For the final workshop they
Matteucci and Mr Brendan O’Keeffe, the students stayed
walked into the local bushland and worked in charcoal to
at the Riversdale Education Centre and Art Museum site. walk ed into the local bushland and work ed in charcoal to
at the Riv
ersdale Education Centre and Art Museum sit
create some stunning reductive drawings.
This is a beautiful environment located on the Shoalhaven
This is a beautiful en vironment located on the Shoalha v en create some stunning reductiv e dr a wings.
The students all enjoyed the extended time creating art
er donated to the public b
river donated to the public by the iconic Australian artist The students all enjo y ed the e xtended time creating art
alian artist
y the iconic Austr
Arthur Boyd.
Arthur Bo y d. in such a beautiful natural setting and have returned to
al setting and ha
e returned to
in such a beautiful natur
school with new technical skills that they can now apply to
school with new technical skills that the
y can now apply
The newly opened Art Museum is embedded in
The newly opened Art Museum is embedded in
their own artmaking practice. The experience of viewing
the landscape, and houses a changing program of their own artmaking pr actice. The e xperience of viewing
am of
the landscape, and houses a changing progr
and analysing the various artworks at the Art Museum
and analysing the various artworks at the Art Museum
contemporary exhibitions. The students toured
contempor ary e xhibitions. The students toured
will also enrich their understanding of art history and
the current exhibition From Impulse to Action, and
the current e xhibition F rom Impulse to Action , and will also enrich their understanding of art history and
participated in an evening drawing workshop, responding
participated in an e v ening dr a wing workshop, respondin g
The works created b
to one of artists in this exhibition.
to one of artists in this e xhibition. The works created by the students in their workshops
y the students in their workshops
were a feature exhibit of this year’s Art & Design Awards.
were a feature e xhibit of this y ear’s Art & Design Award s.