Page 2 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 70 Sem 1 B_Neat
P. 2

2  |           FROM THE HEADMASTER

                                                                Until the 16th Century it was generally accepted
                                                                that the Earth was the centre of the solar system.
                                                                The political powers of the time would not tolerate
                                                                those who considered otherwise. They closed their
                                                                minds to other possibilities and inhibited the growth
                                                                of human thought for centuries, placing the human
                                                                race’s education on hold. True education requires
                                                                that we hold many ideas lightly, rather than one idea
                                                                tightly. This includes (apparently) ludicrous ideas in
                                                                one hand and the ideas we are convinced are true in
                                                                the other. Education requires us to consider various
                                                                perspectives, appraise and critique them to discover
                                                                whether they fit with our worldview, always ready to
                                                                change our mind when the evidence demands it.
                                                                Bishop William Temple believed that “the most
                                                                influential of all educational factors is the conversation
                                                                in a child’s home” because this is where young people’s
                                                                mental habits are formed, including the internal
                                                                monologue that narrates our lives, talks us through
                                                                problems, encourages us through our struggles, and
                                                                most importantly coaches us as we learn. If we close
         I have enjoyed my first Semester at Blue Mountains
         Grammar tremendously. This is a wonderful School       our minds to others, our conversation narrows and
         and I am sure I will continue to uncover its treasures   stagnates, however if we open our mind to those
                                                                around us our conversation thrives. The more inclusive
         for years to come. In my many conversations focused
         on the hopes and dreams of staff, students and parents   our conversation the richer it will be and therefore the
         I have found Grammar to be an aspirational community   richer our education will be.
         that seeks to provide for the young people we serve    The 19th Century educationalist John Dewey believed
         the best possible educational experience. But, what    that “education is not preparation for life; it is life
         does that mean?                                        itself.” The evidence that we are alive is that we grow,
         Since I was a boy I have pushed boundaries. My mother   and education is all about growth. For a young person
         recounts a time in my first 18 months when I rode my   education is formative, helping them to frame their
         scooter down a flight of stairs quite on purpose. When   understanding of the world. However, thereafter our
                                                                education should be transformative, providing us
         I was older we rode skateboards down the steepest
         streets, fearlessly battling the death-wobbles, and    with the opportunity in the light of all that we learn,
         built billy-karts to ride down lofty grass slopes until   to reframe ourselves; the hopes, dreams and desires
         they disintegrated. As a young man I applied all that I   of our hearts; our values, character and attitudes; and
                                                                ideally our thinking and our actions. Education should
         had learned in these childhood adventures to downhill
         skiing with a free trip on a stretcher as my reward.   be ever challenging us, changing us, and equipping us
         Each of these adventures left marks in my body, most   to make better decisions in the future. This type of rich
         of which have faded, however they did not leave a      and deep education cannot be imposed on us; we must
                                                                give ourselves to the process; we must invite truth into
         single mark in my mind. Perhaps if they had, I might
         have made better decisions in the future. However, like   our lives; we must welcome possibility, pursue growth,
         many young men it wasn’t until I was much older that   and seek wisdom.
         I learned to consciously measure the risks that I take.   Having come to know this School a little I know there
         This happened as the result of an incident that left   are many here who aspire to type of education I have
         absolutely no mark on my body but placed someone       described; one where we nurture lives that are open to
         else in great danger and thereby left a very deep mark   those around them, open to God, and open to learning
         inside me; one that will never fade and helps me make   from every experience; where we explore how we
         better decisions every day.                            see the world and how we see ourselves in the world;
                                                                where we discover who we are and pursue the highest
         When I speak of education I refer to the process,
         whether at school or otherwise, by which we learn      and truest expression of ourselves; and where we
         life’s really important lessons. Social philosopher, BF   equip ourselves to pursue our own authentic purpose.
         Skinner once said that “education is what remains      It is this vision for education that should bring the Blue
                                                                Mountains Grammar School community great hope
         when all that has been learned has been forgotten.”
         So, our education is that which leaves superficial     and optimism because education is about possibilities.
         marks that may fade in time and those deep, life-
         changing marks that remain with us forever, shaping
         who we become as people and helping us make better     Ian Maynard
         decisions in the future.                               Headmaster
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