P. 39

Sub No.4: Net Profit Allocation for the F.Y. 2023-24 as per Bye-Law No.(40)

                       The  Audit  of  the  accounts  of  the  society  for  the  F.Y  2023-24  audited  by

               M/s. Raja Gopal Naidu & Co., Chartered Accounts, Tirupati and submitted Audit Report to

               the Society on 03-06-2024. As per Audited Balance Sheet for the F.Y.2023-24 earned Net
               Profit for Rs.7,34,60,770.49.

                       In  pursuance  of  the  Bye-Law  No.(40),  registered  by  the  District  Cooperative  Officer
               (DCO),  Tirupati  vide  RC  No.626/2023,D1,Dated:04-07-2023,  the  appropriation  of  Profits
               under section 45 and Rule 36 of APCS Act & Rules 1964, as detailed below:

                          The society shall, subject to such limits as may be prescribed from time to time 1% of

               gross profit to Cooperative Education Fund.

                          The  society  shall  credit  an  amount  not  more  than  30%  of  Gross  Profit  or  2%  of
               Working Capital whichever is less to the Administrative and Contingent Fund.

                      1)  25 % of Net Profit shall be transferred to the Reserve Fund.
                      2)  5% of Net Profit as Bad Debts Reserve.
                      3)  50% of Net Profits shall be credited towards Dividend to the members on their paid-
                         up Share Capital.
                         The balance of Net Profits shall be transferred to the following reserves.

                      4)  15% of Net Profit shall be credited to the Members Welfare Fund
                      5)  5% of Net Profit shall be deposited towards Building Fund.

                              All un-disbursable and invisible profits shall be added to the Reserve Fund.

                           In  accordance  with  the  Bye-Law  No.(40),  worked  out  the  Net  Profit  for
               Rs. 7,34,60,770.49, for the FY 2023-24  as detailed below:

                               S.No.      Name of Reserve        Percentage         Amount Rs.
                                 1     Reserve Fund                  25%             1,83,65,193.00

                                 2     Bad Debts Reserve             05%                36,73,039.0
                                 3     Dividend                      50%             3,67,30,385.00

                                 4     Members Welfare Fund          15%             1,10,19,115.00
                                 5     Building Fund                 05%              36,73,038.49

                                                       TOTAL         100%            7,34,60,770.49

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