P. 12


                              Recount text has several language features that used when making this kind of
                       texts.  As  other type  of  text  in  English,  recount  text  also  has  their  specific  rules  in
                       language  features  that  make  it  differentiation  among  another  text.  Here  is  the
                       language features in recount text:

                                                                                           Adverb of Time

                  Simple Past Tense            Action Verb             Conjunction          and Adverb of
               Nominal                     Verbs that humans      The connecting word     “Keterangan waktu
               (+) Subject + to be         really do consciously  used to create the      dan tempat dari satu
                  (was/were) +             “secara sadar          continuity of the       peristiwa”
                  complement               dilakukan”             recount text flow.
               (-)  Subject +to be          “do” activities”      “untuk membuat          Example of Adverb
                  (was/were) + not +       Example :              kesinambungan dari      of Time:
                  complement               The soldier took the   alur teks recount”      Now, Then, Today,
               (?) To be (was/were) +      gun and fired the      Examples:               Yesterday,
                  Subject + complement     crime on his foot.     First, then, after that,   Tomorrow, Late,
                                                                  before, when, at last,   Early, tonight, again,
               Verbal                                             finally, etc.           soon etc.
               (+) Subject + verb 2 +
                    complement                                                            Example of Adverb
               (-) Subject + did + not +                                                  of Place:
                  verb 1                                                                  Near, there, here,
               (?) Did + subject + verb 1                                                 somewhere, inside,
                                                                                          outside, ahead, top,
                                                                                          high, bottom etc.

                   Why is the test written?                         To share a unique or
                 The text is written for…?                            unusual experience
                   What is the purpose…?
                 What is the social function?                       To retell something
                                                                       unforgettable past event

                                                                     To give information about
                                                                     To make readers learn

               ENGLISH E-MODUL: RECOUNT TEXT for SMA/MA GRADE X/2                                           8
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