Page 4 - E-book (2)_merged
P. 4
A. Preliminary
1. Description
In this teaching material, it discusses fictitious stories that are not in accordance with
reality or facts which are commonly called or known as narrative texts. Stories that usually
roam in the midst of society, be it folklore or stories passed down from generation to
generation, are known as narrative texts in the world of education. Narrative text has the
notion of a story that is not real or unreality that has developed in the midst of society and
is hereditary which aims to entertain the reader. Narrative text has a structure, namely
orientation as the beginning of the story, complication as the problems that arise in the
story, and resolution as the completion or solution of the story problem or the end of a
story. Narrative texts are in the past which usually use the simple past tense or are indicated
by verb 2 and also use action verbs. This narrative text has several types that distinguish
the text, ranging from folktales, fairy tales, myths, romance, horror, fables, sci-fi, and so
on. Narrative text also has moral messages that can be taken or used as lessons for students.
So that it can be an example for students' lives.
2. Relevance
The material contained in this teaching material contains complete material on narrative
text descriptions, examples of narrative text, language use, types of narrative text, the
characteristics and structure of the narrative text itself. All material is explained in detail
and completely according to the sources. So, after studying this material, students are
expected to be able to understand and master all material related to narrative texts and be
able to take lessons and moral messages contained in narrative texts.
3. Study Guide
The purpose of learning this teaching material is so that students can fully understand
the material about narrative text, starting from mastering linguistic elements,
understanding structure, analyzing types, and understanding the moral message contained
in narrative text. Here are study guides for studying this teaching material:
1. Understand each component in teaching materials from the beginning to the end of the
2. Understand all material starting from the main material to supporting material by
reading, mastering, and interpreting the material.
E-Book / 9th Grade – Narrative Text[NAMA PENULIS] 1