Page 101 - NEMOVISTA HANDBOOK 2020-21_Neat
P. 101

                        Students in grades 6 -12  may receive a locker by contacting the building secretary.  Receiving a locker is
                   voluntary.  Students may not switch lockers without permission from the office.  Students should not enter another
                   student’s locker unless permission has been obtained from the principals.

                   Library Books
                        Students will be expected to pay for library books which are lost, damaged or not returned to school.

                        Students are expected to take care of school property including school buses.  Parents are liable for damage caused
                   by their children.  Student should not mar any surface, make any holes or otherwise cause any damage to school buses.

                                                           SECTION 12
                                                                                                   General Information

                   Awards and Recognitions (Elementary
                           Honor Roll:  Students in grades 1-8 are eligible for honor roll.  A student who makes all A’s and B’s in
                           Math, Science/Health, Reading, Spelling, Language, Phonics, and Social Studies/Arkansas History on grade
                           level will be listed on the honor roll each nine-weeks.
                           Citizenship Award:  A citizenship award will be presented to students (K-5) who exhibit good citizenship
                           throughout the year.
                           Principal Award:  An award may be presented to the student who shows outstanding improvement each
                           Student of the week (Elementary):  Each week a student from each class will be recognized as student of the
                           Academic Excellence:  This award is given to a student in each classroom who has the highest yearly
                           average.  (grade point average)
                           Superintendent Award:  This award is given to students who score Exceeding in all areas or all areas except
                           one on of the State exam in grades 3  -8  from the previous year.
                           Physical Fitness Award:  This award will be awarded to students who perform at the 50%tile, 80%tile, or
                           90%tile on Fitness tests.
                           Presidential Award:  This award will be presented to 5  graders and 8  graders that meet the criteria set
                           forth by the National Presidential Award Committee.
                   An awards assembly will be held at the end of the school year.  Parents, family, and friends are invited to attend.

                   Awards (High School/Middle School)
                        An award assembly will be held near the end of the school year to honor students in the area of academics, service,
                   attendance, and other areas of high achievement.  Parents, family, and friends are encouraged to attend.

                        School pictures will be taken at the beginning of each school year for the year book.  Pictures may be purchased at
                   that time.   In elementary, spring pictures and kindergarten will be made in the spring for purchase.

                   Guidance Counselor
                        The guidance program at Nemo Vista School is designed to enhance and support the education, career, social and
                   emotional development needs of all students.  The focus of the guidance program is to enable the student to be
                   successful, not only in school settings, but in social, home, and work areas with concern and interest the student.

                   College Day
                        Each senior will be given an opportunity to attend a college day program to review programs at colleges, vocational
                   schools, and business colleges and to discuss financial aid, admission requirement, and the curriculum of various
                   schools.  Each senior will be given two day excused, if the second day is needed to complete enrollment procedure or if
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