Page 123 - NEMOVISTA HANDBOOK 2020-21_Neat
P. 123

ACA § 6-18-1301 et seq.

                   Date Adopted:  Oct. 2010

                   Marketing of Personal Information
                   School Board Policy – 5.25 Marketing of Personal Information
                         The Nemo Vista School District shall not collect, disclose, or use personal information for the purpose of marketing
                   or for selling that information or to otherwise provide that information to others for that purpose.

                   Personal information is defined, for the purposes of this policy only, as individually identifiable information
                       1.  A student or parent's first and last name,
                       2.  A home or other physical address (including street name and the name of the city or town),
                       3.  Telephone number, and
                       4.  Social security identification number.
                        The district may collect, disclose, or use personal information that is collected from students for the exclusive
                   purpose of developing, evaluating, or providing educational products or services for, or to, students or educational
                   institutions such as the following:
                       1.  College or other postsecondary education recruitment, or military recruitment;
                       2.  Book clubs, magazines, and programs providing access to low cost literary products;
                       3.  Curriculum and instructional materials used by elementary schools and secondary schools;
                       4.  Tests and assessments used by elementary schools and secondary schools to provide cognitive, evaluative,
                          diagnostic, clinical, aptitude, or achievement information about students (or to generate other statistically
                          useful data for the purpose of securing such tests and assessments) and the subsequent analysis and public
                          release of the aggregate data from such tests and assessments;
                       5.  The sale by students of products or services to raise funds for school related or education related activities;
                       6.  Student recognition programs.

                   Legal Reference:  20 USC § 1232h(c)

                   Date Adopted:  Oct. 2010
                   Revised:  July 2018

                   Privacy of Students’ Records/Directory Information      Objection to Publication Form pg 149
                   School Board Policy – 4.13 Privacy of Students’ Records/Directory Information
                        Except when a court order regarding a student has been presented to the district to the contrary, all students'
                   education records are available for inspection and copying by the parents of his/her student who is under the age of
                   eighteen (18).  At the age of eighteen (18), the right to inspect and copy a student's records transfers to the student.  A
                   student’s parent or the student, if over the age of 18, requesting to review the student’s education records will be
                   allowed to do so within no more than forty five (45) days of the request.  The district forwards education records,
                   including disciplinary records, to schools that have requested them and in which the student seeks or intends to enroll,
                   or is already so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
                        The district shall receive written permission before releasing education records to any agency or individual not
                   authorized by law to receive and/or view the education records without prior parental permission.  The District shall
                   maintain a record of requests by such agencies or individuals for access to, and each disclosure of, personally
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