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Foundation Olcott memorial commemorations are now an
event in the calendar of the
The souvenir that is being published with every Olcott Schools, and students are well acquainted
cricket tournament by the Foundation is a good with the contributions Olcott made for the revival
source of information about the history of of Buddhism and for the education of Buddhist
schools in the Foundation. about Col H. S. Olcott, children in Sri Lanka. The unity of the Buddhist
the revival of Buddhist education, the Buddhist schools has been strengthened and more inter-
Theosophical Society etc. The schools can make action facilitated.
use of this souvenir to give publicity to their
achievements in the field of cricket. Registered with NGO secratatiet
The tournament also provides a good opportuni- On 5th September 2019 the CHSOMSF was regis-
ty for the organizing School to market the tour- tered as a non-Governmental Organization
nament and attract sponsors who will contribute under the Ministry of National Integration. The
for the development of cricket in each school. number assigned is L 171804. Mr T. Suraweera of
Rahula College has to be complimented for his
The Foundation has achieved the intended efforts in getting the Foundation registered.
objectives of greater affiliation and the growth of
brotherly feelings amongst the Olcott Schools to D.M.Dharmatilake - Charter member/ Past Pres-
the extent that even the competitive inter school ident (2008 -2012)
matches are looked forward to as friendly Gamini Swarnapala - President (2020 to pres-
games, not concerned about the outcome. It is a ent
healthy sign that at least the Olcott Schools play
their inter school matches with each other with
the spirit of cricket uppermost in their minds. Old
Boys’ Associations are taking more interest in
providing comfortable accommodation, and
improving the quality of facilities that is served
to the visiting teams. There is a great urge to
raise the standard of cricket of the schools that
are at a lower level in the Sri Lanka School Crick-
et Association tournament table.
can we add
another picture here?
Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation - 2021