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Leadership Development Programme -RANJITH JAYASUNDARA-
Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation conducted the inaugural leadership programme
for the students of eight Olcott schools – Nalanda, Dharmasoka, Maliyadeva, Rahula, Dharmaraja,
Mahinda and Ananda, was held from 19th to 21st January 2018.
It was a residential workshop hosted at leading schools over the past four years.
Kithusevena on Baudhhaloka Mawatha, The total cost of this residential programme was
Colombo. The principals of the respective met by the well-wishers of the foundation: Rahula
schools nominated four students from each Dassanaike, Mohan Mabotuwana and Harsha
school who had either done their A Levels in 2017 Gunasekera, who have assured their support in
or those who would be sitting for the A Levels in the coming years as well.
2018. The workshop, which would normally be The President of the foundation is the past
offered to entry level management trainees in national cricketer Jayantha Seneviratne and the
the private sector, included topics such as Chairman for the project was Kumar
leadership, motivation, communication, team Weerasuriya.
building, time management, planning, selecting
a career path, etc. Though CHSOMSF planned to have this
programme in 2019, it was abundant due to the
The workshop was facilitated by the experienced Easter Sunday bomb blast. Also the programme
HR professional and Lecturer Denuka Perera and scheduled for the year 2020 and 2021 could not
included several team activities and games to launched due to the Covid -19 pandemic
facilitate the learning process, which the situation of the Country.
students enjoyed very much.
Dhammika Kalapuge and Sanjiva Senanayake
were the guest speakers who spoke on ‘Personal
Effectiveness’ and ‘Col. Henry Steel Olcott’,
Although this inaugural leadership programme
was restricted to the member schools of the Col.
Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation,
the foundation expects to offer this annual
programme to students from other schools as
well in the coming years, like its annual quiz
programme which has grown to include 20
Col. Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Sports Foundation - 2021