Page 4 - Newsletter de julho19 QR Completa
P. 4
1. My English got better not just by the speaking also with the grammar, I speak a lot freer and
more fluently and I don't have inhibitions as much as I had before.
2. I had the opportunity to get to know other traditions and cultures and learn more about them.
3. In my opinion it is a good opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and try new things and
also maybe to learn to speak in front of others, speaking another language.
4. You meet other people who can become your friends and maybe you will stay in connection
with them, for example through Instagram.
The thing that I personally liked the most was to meet other people with different cultures and all
the stuff and how we as people can connect and understand each other by talking with each
other with a different language which we can all speak as we all are from different countries with
different languages but that's the thing that brings us together and also to see some different
approaches to the world, to go out and see something different.
For me it was also a good exercise to get out of my comfort zone and just talk and not think so
much about my pronunciation and the grammar and I really got better.
This project was an experience that no one can take away from you and that will shape you for
the rest of your life.
Johanna, Germany
I really enjoyed the experience especially since my English has improved a lot, grammatically
and in vocabulary. I was able to meet new people with whom I became friends and I also got to
know new cultures. I also enjoyed the fact that I could share my house and make guided tours
and showing Lisbon.
Mariana Canto, 10º CT1