Page 97 - ION Indie Magazine JulyAugust 2018 Issue
P. 97
Tell me about The Beelzebub Jones’ album, “A Good Day To Be A Bad Guy” -- it
wasn't released under your name. Did you feel it was too far removed from your
other releases?
The idea behind the Beelzebub Jones’ project was to create something separate
from my acoustic blues output. I’d written the opening track of the album in a fit of
inspiration and literally just went with what sounded right. When it transformed
into a full album of Dark Americana crossed with Spaghetti Western-style
soundscapes, I felt that releasing it as Half Deaf Clatch was a bit strange. After all, I
consider Half Deaf Clatch to be the equivalent of my band name, so I decided to go
with Beelzebub Jones for the new project. It's quite a departure from my usual style,
but people still know it’s me, which is a good thing. When the extremely talented
author Richard Wall heard about my ideas for the project, he offered to contribute
a short story, which he did…and it’s simply brilliant. It’s turned into a thing all on its
own without me doing much about it, which is a bonus.
I hear you're doing something a bit special at The Great British Rhythm and Blues
Festival at Colne this year. Can you tell me what you're up to there? I promise not
to tell anyone.
Basically, I’ve been commissioned by the Great British Rhythm and Blues Festival to
write and perform a brand-new blues-related stage show, which will be performed
at this year’s festival in Colne on August 25 . The idea is to make the songs and
concept the subject of my next studio album and use the Colne show as the album
launch too. The album is completely written, and I’ll be starting the recording
process soon. There’s quite a lot of surprises with this album and I’m not giving the
game away at this early stage, but the album’s called “Dr Bloodwort’s Nefarious
Medicine Show” and the stage show won’t be a typical “gig” experience. That’s all
I’m saying!
Ok, one last question as you've probably got another album to write this
afternoon. I know you're happy enough with your solo career, but would you ever
consider using a band or collaborating with someone, or is there no turning back?
That’s a tough one. I wouldn’t say there’s no turning back, but I would never go
back to being part of an “electric” band. I have big musical ideas in my head that
would require more people on stage to perform them, and that could happen at
some point. But it'd be an ensemble of weird instruments made from junk, things
people wouldn’t expect. As for a collaboration, that could happen at some point, I
suppose, although I’m quite a selfish songwriter/performer. I like things to sound
exactly like I want them to, which very rarely works well with other people in the
mix. Never say never, though.
Clatch's website has a little more information about the Colne show: