Page 10 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2021
P. 10
JP: Is the writing more collaborative now JP: You’ve played music all over this
than it used to be? country. Do you have a favorite city, town,
or area you like playing? Is there an area
RR: Um (pause), in a way. We fight. We fought where you find the vibe to be all
over ‘Sorry Today’ for five days. When encompassing?
somebody gets an idea and everybody starts
throwing pieces at it, that’s my favorite part. RR: Anywhere we can get in front of people.
AB: I don’t know what it was like back when, AB: It seems there’s more of a rock scene in
but it’s been nothing but collaborative since the northeast. We spend a lot of time up north
I’ve been here. It pretty much starts as a jam and there’s still a big vibe there like there used
and we see where it goes. to be here when Rick and them were first here.
RR: Kinda like rock ‘n’ roll. You ride it until it RR: Used to be you’d go out here on a
bucks. Wednesday night and a band would be playing
and the club would be packed.
JP: You have been quite busy writing and
releasing music over the last few years. JP: Without getting into politics…2020,
‘Grind’ was released in 2017 and in the fall, beyond the shadow of a doubt, has been
‘Resurrect the Faithful.’ How do you feel difficult for many artists. How do you
these albums differ from earlier offerings? I expect that to change in 2021 in respect to
would pose this question to Allan. Further, playing live and touring?
how do you feel ‘Resurrect the Faithful’ RR: I think something’s gonna break here
differs from ‘Grind?’
AB: I think it differs in a lot of ways…obviously
the drums. This (‘Resurrect The Faithful’) is the AB: It’s gotta change.
first with all five of us. I think there’s a lot more JP: I notice very little change in your vocal
harmony vocals on this one. I sing a lot. I like strength from the beginning of your career
to sing. I think that’s something Rick’s never until now. What’s the key to that?
had before.
RR: Not being able to sing (laughing). I just try
JP: I know it has been a challenging time to tell a little bit of the story. God gave me the
for live music. With such a great catalog of little gift of song and emotion and facial
music to play and a fantastic new release to expression, and that’s what I try to use.
support, are you currently booking shows
for 2021? JP: How have you seen the business of
music change over the years?
RR: We just started a couple weeks ago. We
have a couple of outdoor shows booked for RR: Well, I like the internet compared to the
Ohio this summer in July. There is stuff coming regular radio station. When we got our deal,
in all the time, but usually right now they’re you had to have a ballad. You had to look this
getting cancelled. We had a show booked here way. You had to have this type of song or you
in Memphis a few weeks ago and it got wouldn’t get played.
cancelled the day of because of COVID, but we AB: Now you can find whatever you want
have used this time wisely, writing new music, without waiting for someone to give it to you.
working on the set, working on the songs, the
show. JP: Allan, if you saw a kid who was maybe
16-18 years old, helluva drummer, who
AB: We’re ready to go as soon as somebody wanted to make music his life, what advice
will let us play somewhere. would you give him?