Page 65 - JanFeb 2024 ION Indie Magazine
P. 65

Revealing the second Alanna.                           “I'm the boss, I have to communicate with so

                                                                  many people about so many different things,

                                                                  such as my label, radio, PR, everything. I need
                                                                  my brain to be in a good position, and if I open
          Looking  at  Alanna  Royale’s  platform  before         my  phone  right  away  and  start  looking  at
          she  released  her  debut  album  Achilles  in          everything, I start to spin out. I cannot get a
          2014,  dropping teasers in  her EP  Bless  Her          hold of anything.”
          Heart in 2013, her sound and style has grown
          much fuller and mature.                                 Even  singers  and  artists  struggle  with  the
                                                                  information  overload  and  choice  fatigue
          “I  finally  have  my  third  record  out  and  I'm     cellphones present to the human brain every
          getting  to  play  the  songs  I  want  to  play,”      day,  but  Alanna  Royale  shared  her  tips  to
          Royale  said.  “The  Trouble  Is  album  cover          avoid  the  screen  and  how  she  still  finds
          features  two  Alanna's,  and  that’s  because          inspiration in a tech-driven society.
          these two entirely different versions of myself
          are trying to learn to live together while they         “Reading is a great way for me to sit down and
          are going through good times, bad times, ups,           be quiet, and not have a screen in front of me.
          downs, in the spotlight, off stage -- learning to       It's  also  a  great  form  of  inspiration  for  my
          live together and move through life together.           creative  writing,  I  love  to  learn  new  words. I
          And I feel like the more I've leaned into not only      really  want  to  have  one  of  those  painfully
          the good sides of myself, but also the sides I          pretentious vocabularies. I want to be bringing
          know I need to improve, the more liberated I            new words and feelings, finding new ways to
          feel and the more liberated I can be. The more          say the same things.”
          I can help others to liberate themselves. I’m
          looking forward to taking the show on the road          Royale explained that she picked this trait up
          and having people experience this record after          from one of her college professors while she
          working on it for so long, it all makes me very         was studying music composition.
          excited to bear my soul to my listeners.”
                                                                  “I had a professor who told me ‘You can only
          After three albums, Royale disclosed that she           write  as  many  songs  as  you  know’,”  Royale
          felt she was hiding a piece of herself from her         started. “He asked me one day, ‘can you play
          listeners, falling into the facade of displaying        all  your  favorite  Stevie  Wonder  songs  on
          only the bright highlights from her life, omitting      piano?’ And I responded, ‘No, I can only play
          what  stresses  her  out  and  her  darker  days.       some.’ And he asked, ‘Can you play all your
          She knew she had to write what was real and             favorite  Beatle  songs  on  guitar?’  And  I
          put away the societal social media brain.               responded, ‘No, only some.’ And he explained,
                                                                  ‘you  can  only  write  as  many  songs  as  you
          “I don't look at any social media at all before         know. You need to learn every song that you
          11 a.m.,” Royale revealed. “I have to allow my          love.’ And I feel the same way with words. I
          brain to wake up and get a hold on the day. I           have to read other people's stories, and other
          have  so  many  different  methods  of                  people's  lives,  and  other  experiences,  and
          organization  alone,  that  I  try  and  stay  as       open my mind up so I can tell as many stories
          organized as possible.”                                 and have as many new ideas as possible.
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