Page 39 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2018 Issue
P. 39

As I sat alone in the balcony, I closed my eyes and   Lochner is an extremely gifted guitar player and not
          reveled in how much Jack's vocals still moved me.     only can he shred on the guitar, but he also has the
          His  texture  and  singing  style  is  uniquely  his  and   stage  presence/persona  that  many  guitar  players
          sound like no other. His pipes are still well-honed   wish they had – a perfect combination. And as his
          and can belt out all those classic songs as if you were   friend, I can attest that his personality is real…he’s
          hearing them from the album. In my opinion, if you    humble, attentive, warm, and sometimes quiet (in a
          are given the choice, this is the (J.R.) Great White   good way).
          band you need to both see and hear!
                                                                Through the night, the songs kept coming, fast and
          Jack Russell’s Great White is out on tour in support   strong. The audience was treated to tunes like “Lady
          of their new release, “He Saw It Comin’.” The band    Red Light,” “On Your Knees,” “Save Your Love,” and
          did  play two  songs from  the album,  “Sign  Of The   “House  of  Broken  Love.”  Jack  poignantly  shared
          Times” and “My Addiction.” These were great song      some  personal  details  about  his  struggles  and
          choices to include in their set and added much to     demons, and lovingly dedicated “Save Your Love” to
          the overall performance.                              his proclaimed savior and wife of 7 years, Heather.

          Halfway through their set, Robby Lochner took his     It’s no secret that Led Zeppelin is a huge influence
          opportunity  to  shine.  Robby’s  solos  aren’t  a  200-  on  Jack,  and  he  and  Robby  took  center  stage  to
          notes-per-second  noise  spree,  but  they  were      deliver  an  awesome  version  of “Going  to
          heartfelt  and  soulful  and  held  the  crowd  at  the   California.”  And  talk  about playing  a crunching
          Rialto   Theatre   at    rapt   attention.   Here,    version  of  Zeppelin’s “Immigrant  Song!” The  band
          Lochner showed  us  just  how  talented  he  is  by   closed the show for their enthusiastic audience with
          serving up an unforgettable guitar solo that left me   none  other  than  “Once  Bitten  Twice  Shy.”  The
          mesmerized, being a musician myself.                  crowd  was  on  their  feet,  singing  right  along  with
                                                                every word.

                                                                Jack Russell’s Great White’s outstanding sound was
                                                                only matched by their scintillating stage presence. It
                                                                was also obvious to me that each one of these band
                                                                members  were  immensely  enjoying  every  minute
                                                                that they played for their fans. They live and breathe
                                                                rock and roll: they are Jack Russell’s Great White!

                                       Check out the video “Sign of the Times”:

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