Page 15 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2024
P. 15

LAS: In a city known for its vibrant music scene, how has Atlanta influenced the
          evolution of Now After Nothing, both musically and culturally?

          NAN: That’s  a  really  great  question.  In  all  reality,  I  was  probably  more  influenced
          musically by my time growing up in the South Florida music scene before I moved to

          Atlanta. I think I was just there during a more impressionable time in my life and it’s
          where I began to cut my teeth as a songwriter. But Atlanta certainly feels more like
          ‘home’ than Miami/Ft. Lauderdale – especially from a cultural perspective. I love the

          diversity of Atlanta – be it socio-culturally, geographically – what have you. There is
          also a unique element of tension that I feel living in Atlanta as it compares to the rest
          of the state of Georgia. That tension, though not necessarily enjoyable, can certainly

          be inspirational.

          LAS:  What  do  you  hope  listeners  take  away  from  the  music  of  Now  After
          Nothing, especially considering the diverse range of genres you explore within

          the darkwave umbrella?

          NAN: I really only ever want listeners to

          find  something  in  our  music  that  they
          can connect to, no matter what that may
          be. Everybody’s different and has their
          tastes  of  course,  so  having  a  diverse

          sound and range of influences could be
          just  as  likely  a  hinderance  to  that

          connection as it is to help it. But it’s not
          about  winning  people  over  -  it’s  really
          just  about  finding  the  people  that  will
          take something away from our music


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