Page 12 - ION Indie Magazine MayJune 2018 Issue
P. 12

GA: My grandmother. She's the foundation to
                                                Photo credit: Marty Haviik
                                                                        my world. She took me in before I was even 1

                                                                        year old. She gave up her later years of life just
                                                                          for me. She was already in her mid-60s. Talk
                                                                        about being unselfish. And just saying, “I want

                                                                        this young boy to have the best opportunity
                                                                        for  his  life,  so  I'm  gonna  give  my  life,  in  a

                                                                        sense. To raise him. To teach him.” And of all
                                                                          the things that she taught me -- first of all, the
                                                                        difference between “needs” and “wants”. We

                                                                        grew up very, very humble. I wanted a lot of
                                                                        things…but  I  didn't need  for them.  I  knew  I

                                                                        had her love. I knew we had a shelter. We had
                                                                        food  here  and  there  and  we’d  have  steak

                                                                        every uth, not even a wooden spoon. Our spoons
         every once in a while. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mo
           were our hands, you know. Again, just the fact that she taught me those things -- and trying to be balanced in

         life, mentally and emotionally, physically and spiritually…that foundation. Just be around her, learning from

         her. I can remember us sitting down just sewing. I mean, how many musicians nowadays can say, "Yeah, I sew,
           man.” I sew, why? My grandmother told me it's important. She said I should learn to cook. “Don't depend on
         anybody. It took a woman to teach me how to be a man, not a man and I tried to honor her as much as possible
          in  everyday  life  and  in  speaking  about  her  in  interviews  like  this.  A  while  back  I  played  for  the  (Arizona)
         Diamondbacks. I played for about fifty thousand people. I was amazed! They gave me my own jersey. "What

         number do you want?" “Number 8!” And they're like, “Why 8?” My grandmother was born in 1908 and that 8,
         for me, is a very symbolic number. But also, turned sideways, it means “infinity”. It's like because of me, my

         grandmother will always live on. I try to honor her in stories, music, and just everyday life. Who I have become,
         hopefully, is the reflection of who she was.

         MH: Let me ask you this…are you from Tucson?
                                                             Photo credit: Marty Haviik

         GA: Originally born in Texas.

         MH: Is that why you're a Dallas Cowboys fan? Did

         you get a chance to watch the Cowboys/Redskins
         game this past weekend?

         GA: Oh yeah, brother -- for life! What happened?
         Did  they  win?  Awesome.  Cowboys  beat  the

         Indians.  I  should  be  happy,  but  sad.  I  feel  so
         conflicted. (laughing)

          MH: I try to stay out of politics because we can
         get stuck on this merry-go-round of debates and
           nobody  wins.  I  am  passionate  about  what  I
         believe  and  I'm  sure  you  are  too.  I'm  going  to

         throw this out to you -- how do you feel about
           the recent activities regarding the pipeline and
         protect the water issues?
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