Page 13 - ION Indie Magazine November December 2019 Issue
P. 13
KP: Why is the timing right to bring the story KP: Are there plans to bring The Bell Ringer
of The Bell Ringer to 2019 holiday audiences? to the screen?
PO: I think any story that suggests that we all PO: Yes. I had the opportunity to share the story
have something of value to share, those stories with a filmmaker who has done more than sixty
always have been and always will be needed. films. He loved the story, and he and I are
There’s always room for stories that provoke at currently working on the screenplay. I’ve heard
least a little thought that gets directed outward Hollywood is a place of shifting sands, but this
toward others and their needs. That’s why I like producer/director/writer says he’s all in on getting
the idea of the “gift of self.” A person’s time and the film made, even if we have to do it
concern can make a difference. And in my independently. With some luck, I hope to see the
opinion, we need that as much, if not more, now story on the big screen.
than ever.
KP: Long after you are gone, what is the
KP: What makes The Bell Ringer different message of The Bell Ringer that you hope will
compared to current-day Christmas-themed resound with the world?
stage shows and movies?
PO: The message I’d hope lives on is that
PO: Christmas shows in all types of media are everyone has something of value to give or share.
worthwhile. Over the last many years, it seems to People all around us endure hard times, and
me most of the holiday-themed entertainment is while money and possessions are often in critical
a send-up of the holiday or a romance. What I need, just as important are the acts of kindness
haven’t seen much of in the last several decades we can do for others. That might mean just
is the poignant tale that trades on the value of bearing someone company as they suffer illness
friendship, selflessness, and hope. I go all the or loss or standing in the gap when someone
way back to Dickens for great Christmas stories needs a defender. By virtue of the hardships in
like A Christmas Carol. There’s a dramatic your own past, you’re uniquely qualified to be
moment where the Ghost of Christmas Present there for someone who is going through a tough
reveals two children beneath his robes that time. It’s not about the physical act of ringing a
represent Want and Ignorance. In some very real bell. My bell ringer had a wiling heart. He stood in
ways, Dickens was sharing a commentary on the cold to do the only thing he thought he could
social conditions. Scrooge was the antithesis of do. In the process, he learned he had a lot more
giving and caring. The change in Scrooge’s heart value to people whose lives he could brighten just
at the end comes with a bounty of giving to by being present and lending his concern on their
everyone around him and a reunion with his behalf.
family. Scrooge forever after kept Christmas in
his heart. Those ideas of giving are there in It’s A KP: Where can our readers discover more
Wonderful Life and other holiday classics. I about Peter Orullian and The Bell Ringer?
wanted to trade more on those kinds of ideas with
my story. PO: You can learn more about The Bell Ringer by
visiting: From there,
KP: Please talk about the upcoming tour. you can get to our social pages. Anything about
me is on my personal site at:
PO: This year, being the first, there will be a short
run through Boise, Idaho; Salt Lake City, Utah; I just want to say thank you to you, Kiki.
Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington. The Independent artists hit moments of incredible
tour will begin on December 18 and run through doubt and uncertainty. I think it’s normal, though
December 22 . We’re really hoping people will no less painful for that. But in my own journey as
come out and give it a try. It’s got some an independent artist, you and ION Indie
impressive rock moments and some heartfelt Magazine have been a bright spot. I’m incredibly
moments, too. In some ways, I think it’s similar to grateful and humbled to have the chance to talk
TSO shows before they graduated to arenas. to you and share my story.