Page 153 - MUESTRA DIGITAL_merged
P. 153

                          AQUÍ SU INSTITUCION                                            Módulo de preparación 2022

                       Tense                Structure (P) Positive (N)                          Use
                                               Negative (?) Question

               Future simple                (P) Subject + will + infinitive verb +    •    action    in    the
                                            complement                                     future that cannot
                                            (N) Subject + will not/won’t +                 be influenced
                                            infinitive verb + complement              •    assumption     with
                                            (?) Will + subject + infinitive verb +         regard    to    the
                                            complement                                     future

               Future continuous            (P) Subject + will be + verb + ing +      •    action    that    is
                                            complement.                                    going   on    at   a
                                            (N) Subject + will not/won’t + be +            certain time in the
                                            verb + ing + complement.                       future
                                            (?) Will + Subject + be + verb + ing +    •    action that is sure
                                            complement                                     to happen in the
                                                                                           near future

               Future perfect               (P) Subject + will have+ verb in past     •    action that will be
                                            participle + complement                        finished    at     a
                                            (N) Subject + will have + not + verb           certain time in the
                                            in past participle + complement                future
                                            (?) Will + subject + have + verb in
                                            past participle + complement

               To be going to               (P) Subject + to be + verb in ing +       • Close future
                                            complement                                • a future event that
                                            (N) Subject + to be + not + verb in          has been planned
                                            ing + complement                             before the time of
                                            (?) To be + subject + verb in ing +          speaking
                                            complement + ?                            • to make a future
                                                                                         prediction based on
                                                                                         facts / evidence

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