Page 12 - FearFinder 2019-webB
P. 12


                                                          SEPT. 27 - NOV. 2

                     Mid-Michigan’s most intense haunt that changes scenes every year!
                      It’s just you and your friends facing nightmares ALONE in the corn!
           Take I-96 to M-52 (Exit 122)                                                                     Trail of  Terrors
           Turn South & go 100 yards                                                                           Tickets $20
           to Noble Rd, then turn Right.                                                           Bestmaze & Trail of Terrors
           (Noble Rd. wraps around one                                                                         Combo $25
           of the Exit ramps.                                                                        Combo sales end 1 Hour

           Go 1 MILE to BESTMAZE                                                                        before Haunt tickets
                                                                                                             Cider, Donuts
           HAUNTED AREAS DATES                                                                             & Food Available
                                                                                                         No Pets - Cash Only
                                                                                                          TRAIL OF TERROR or
                                  SEPT  SEPT
                                                                                                            COMBO TICKETS
                                                                                                               $ 5 OFF
                                                                                                            Valid Sept 27, 28,

                                                  NOV  NOV                                                   and Oct 4, 5, 11
                                                                                                                  EXPIRES 11/1/19


                                                                             CORN MAZE          3803 Noble Road • Williamston, MI 48895     EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT!  EXPIRES 10/6/19
                                                                            IS NOT SCARY                • THE MAZE EXPERIENCE         Bestmaze Corn Maze
                                                                              AND IS FUN                • CIDER & DONUTS - FOOD     Before 5pm
                                                                                FOR ALL!                • CASH ONLY  •   NO PETS    Sat. or Sun.
                        TURNS 75 IN ‘19
                       SMOKEY BEAR
         WE HAVE TALL CORN IN                        SEPT. 13 - NOV. 2                                   Group Discounts 10 +  (517) 521-2378 | Age 4 and under FREE  6 per Person  $
        EXCELLENT CONDITION!                                                                  TICKETS AT DOOR ARE CASH ONLY  See website as “print at home” option  may be added  MAZE COUPON
          COME EARLIER IN THE                Ticket Booth Hours -  Fridays: 6-10 pm
             SEASON FOR THE                 Saturdays: 1-10 pm  |  Sundays: 1-8 pm                                                    others are muddy!
                                                                                          MAZE TICKETS:  $7
          SMALLEST CROWDS!                   FREE:                                                     FREE SMOKEY BEAR GIFTS  (to f  irst 1500 kids)  weather. We operate when   for daily updates during poor
            Raining? Our trails are          TOUCH REAL DINOSAUR FOSSILS                               GLOW JEWELRY @ DARK                   drainage installed. See website
         groomed and underground             UNTIL 5PM (see website)                                   CORN HOLE & KID ACTIVITES  -       UNTIL 5PM (see website)  groomed and underground

        drainage installed. See website      CORN HOLE & KID ACTIVITES  -                              TOUCH REAL DINOSAUR FOSSILS      Raining? Our trails are
        for daily updates during poor        GLOW JEWELRY @ DARK                                       FREE:
          weather. We operate when           FREE SMOKEY BEAR GIFTS  (to f irst 1500 kids)                                                SMALLEST CROWDS!
              others are muddy!                            MAZE TICKETS:  $7                            Saturdays: 1-10 pm  |  Sundays: 1-8 pm     SEASON FOR THE
                                                       TICKETS AT DOOR ARE CASH ONLY                    Ticket Booth Hours -  Fridays: 6-10 pm  COME EARLIER IN THE
               MAZE COUPON                     See website as “print at home” option  may be added                                          EXCELLENT CONDITION!
          $ 6 per Person                   Group Discounts 10 +  (517) 521-2378 | Age 4 and under FREE  SEPT. 13 - NOV. 2                   WE HAVE TALL CORN IN
                 Sat. or Sun.               • CASH ONLY  •   NO PETS                                                         SMOKEY BEAR
                 Before 5pm                 • CIDER & DONUTS - FOOD                                                         TURNS 75 IN ‘19
                                                                     FOR ALL!
              Bestmaze Corn Maze            • THE MAZE EXPERIENCE
                                                                       AND IS FUN
                   EXPIRES 10/6/19             EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT!
                                                                        IS NOT SCARY
                                                     3803 Noble Road • Williamston, MI 48895
                                                                       CORN MAZE

     12                            EXPIRES 11/1/19  5 OFF  $  Tickets $20  Combo $25  Cider, Donuts  and Oct 4, 5, 11  COMBO TICKETS  Trail of  Terrors   Valid Sept 27, 28,  & Food Available  TRAIL OF TERROR or   No Pets - Cash Only  before Haunt tickets  DOWNLOAD THE FEAR FINDER APP AT FEARFINDER.COM  SEPT  SEPT  It’s just you and your friends facing nightmares ALONE in the corn!  Mid-Michigan’s most intense haunt that changes scenes every year!  TRAIL OF TER RO RS  HAUNTED AREAS DATES  Go 1 MILE to BESTMAZE  of the Exit ramps.  (Noble Rd. wraps around one  to Noble Rd, then t

                                               Combo sales end 1 Hour

                                                 Bestmaze & Trail of Terrors

                                                                                          SEPT. 27 - NOV. 2
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17